"The artist...is also a born adventurer. His explorations, unlike those of a tourist, are rewarded by the discovery of beauty spots unmentioned in the guide books, and with tireless curiosity and an exceptional proneness to wonderment, he will come upon objects of remarkable interest overlooked or even shunned by more disciplined observers."

Augustus John, R.A.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Interrupted Work

I started this print around Christmas time and then had to put it to one side to complete other work, Finally got around to finishing it. And although I would rather work on a print from start to finish in one go, despite the interruption in work I'm quite pleased with how it has worked out. These are colours 7 to 11.

Colour 7

Colour 8

Colour 9

Colour 10

All that's left of the block after printing the final colour

11 colour reduction linocut. 170mm x 267mm
Edition of 10 prints.

If you would like to buy this print it can be purchased from my Folksy Shop


Keith Tilley said...

I think this is one of your best prints. You've achieved a fantastic sense of depth in the water.

Stuart Brocklehurst said...

Thanks Keith. It's the third time I've had a go at this type of subject. I enjoy the challenge of trying to get depth into the print, not only the sense of the surface plane of the water receding away from the viewer but also the vertical depth to the river bed. What I want to do next is make the fish less obvious, so that you only become aware it is there as your eyes become accustomed to looking beneath the water surface. Just as is the case when looking into a clear river from the bank. Not quite sure how to this yet though.

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