"The artist...is also a born adventurer. His explorations, unlike those of a tourist, are rewarded by the discovery of beauty spots unmentioned in the guide books, and with tireless curiosity and an exceptional proneness to wonderment, he will come upon objects of remarkable interest overlooked or even shunned by more disciplined observers."

Augustus John, R.A.

Sunday 10 January 2010

Shoveler, Goosander and Fieldfare.

Male Shoveler.
Pencil and Ink Wash. 75mm x 105mm.

Male Goosander.
Pencil and Ink Wash. 140mm x 105mm.

A couple more drawings to add to the set for the 2008 bird report.

And below, field drawings of a Fieldfare.

A single bird taking the last few remaining berries from a bush in a neighbours garden.

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