"The artist...is also a born adventurer. His explorations, unlike those of a tourist, are rewarded by the discovery of beauty spots unmentioned in the guide books, and with tireless curiosity and an exceptional proneness to wonderment, he will come upon objects of remarkable interest overlooked or even shunned by more disciplined observers."

Augustus John, R.A.

Sunday 4 October 2009


Pencil and Ink Wash. 120mm x 105mm.

Peregrine Falcon Preening.
Pencil and Ink Wash. 100mm x 100mm.
After dithering around for the last couple of weeks, I've finally started on the set of illustrations for the 2008 Huddersfield Birdwatchers Club report. This is something of a labour of love as I've been illustrating the reports since I first joined the club, and this will be the 20th report I've done.
The Jackdaws were drawn as they tumbled on the breeze around the weather vane outside the doctors surgery in my home town. The Peregrine was sketched some ten years ago. I had been watching it for a couple of hours, trying to confirm that the pair were breeding. For the whole of that time it barely moved. Typically it flew off to the nest ledge at the moment that I took my eyes off it!

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