"The artist...is also a born adventurer. His explorations, unlike those of a tourist, are rewarded by the discovery of beauty spots unmentioned in the guide books, and with tireless curiosity and an exceptional proneness to wonderment, he will come upon objects of remarkable interest overlooked or even shunned by more disciplined observers."

Augustus John, R.A.

Friday 25 April 2014


Starting a new print. There is very little preparatory work on this one as apart from one minor alteration to the foreground bird I've lifted it from my original field sketch.

 Colour 1

First colour is a very pale grey, followed by a slightly darker grey.

Colour 2

Colour 3

Colour 3 is a sandy yellow colour with a patch of lemon yellow rolled on for the foreground birds beak. Looks a bit scrappy but much of this will be hidden by the next colour.

Colour 4

A darker sandy yellow.

Colour 5.

A warm grey, the base colour for the shadowed rocks and the gulls backs.

Colour 6

Colours 6 and 7, two blues. Looks quite garish at this stage.

Colour 7

Colour 8

Another grey to pull it all back together. With apologies for some of the photographs which have glare from the still wet ink.

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